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Location Solutions and Continental hold their first ReadyMix partner Conference April 16th, 2019 April 30, 2019

Location Solutions

Location Solutions and Continental hold their first ReadyMix partner Conference April 16th, 2019 April 30, 2019

Dubai has been very quick to embrace the potential of technology, thus rapidly improving lives of the country’s inhabitants and transforming the areas of business beyond recognition. Construction is becoming one of the most dynamic engines of growth, stimulated by the changes in infrastructure before EXPO 2020, growth of population and the strategic Vision 2021. ReadyMix Concrete industry became one of the first to embrace the challenge by looking into automation and more digitally-focused solutions. Following the market demand, Location Solutions – the telematics service provider in the GCC joined hands with Continental, the international tyre and M2M solutions provider, to organise a ReadyMix partner Conference 2019. The event took place at the Grand Millenium Business Bay hotel, engaging more than 60 business players in ReadyMix industry from all over the GCC. CEO & Founder of Location Solutions – Zaim Azrak welcomed the guests, and spoke about some of the major challenges surrounding the industry in the GCC. He called for automation in process management, spoke about efficiency as the main factor in operational cost minimisation. Volha Smirnova, Business Development Associate at Location Solutions, brought in some regional market statistics, which showed rapid growth towards innovation and called for technological openness in business. Charles Azrak, the Regional and Business development manager at Location Solutions, presented several new products that the company brought to the market, including the innovative readymix tracking platform, the Wheeler app used for the betterment of driver engagement practices, and the TRuber app – the new generation Uber for trucks. Charles spoke about some of the international practices, where these products already showed considerable benefits. One of the key sessions, called “ReadyMix: automation at a click” was delivered by Karim Albabi, the Operations manager of Location Solutions, where he presented the powerful readymix platform built by Location Solutions. The platform helps in complete cycle management, creates a better process structure for operations, thus increasing the overall fleet productivity and decreasing the operational costs. Mostafa Farouk, Marketing Manager Continental Middle East DMCC- presented a new solution for remote tyre management, called ContiPressureCheck. The new system is aimed at expanding the life cycle of trucks’ tyre, thus providing the ReadyMix company with complete control over its trucks and trips. The conference came to a close with a networking lunch reception where partners could share their experience with other guests, create some meaningful partnerships and look into business opportunities in the ReadyMix industry together.