
OPAL Certifications

We work with systems that are certified and
authorized by the OMAN government

OPAL – Oman society for Petroleum Services is the first Society in Oman’s Petroleum Industry to be officially approved and registered in the Sultanate of Oman, on 27 October, 2001 under the regulations governing the formation of societies with the Ministry of Social Development.

The Platform is Aimed to:

– Support the industry by setting the minimum operational standards for Training Providers across the sector to ensure delivery quality and effectiveness are maintained by conducting regular inspections and audits.

– Support the industry Training Providers, driving efficiency, effectiveness and quality by providing a centralized entity.


Location Solutions was acknowledged and approved by OPAL as a provider of in-vehicle monitoring solutions (IVMS) and will continue to provide devices and platforms to regulate and record fleet operations in the country.

The organization has a strict and high-end set of requirements and measures which companies must abide by in order to gain the necessary approval, after which only companies in Oman operate with OPAL approval.

As providers of solutions aimed at all kinds of fleets’ (including fleets in the Oil and Gas sector) optimization, OPAL allows us to push our services and experiences forward to our clients in Oman with confidence and trust

Other Certifications


Approved by Telecommunications Regulatory
Authority of Sultanate of Oman

ISO Certified

ISO 9001:2015